South Wales Institute of Engineers Educational Trust

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships

SWIEET sponsors the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships, a programme of The Smallpeice Trust, and is the most prestigious scholarship scheme of its type in the UK.

Through the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships programme, we hope to identify, inspire and nurture future leaders in Engineering, Computing and Technical – as opposed to Aesthetic – Design. Through a rigorous selection process, the Scholarships are awarded to high-calibre students who apply when in Year 11 (if England and Wales), S4 (if in Scotland), Year 12 (if in Northern Ireland). Our Arkwright Engineering Scholarships support students through their A Levels or Scottish Highers and encourage students to pursue Engineering, Computing, Technical Design through university, or through a higher-level apprenticeship, and to pursue careers in these fields.

Every Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is sponsored by an industrial company, university, charitable trust, trade association, professional institution, armed service, worshipful company, industry regulator or personal donor.

Dr Jarmila Davies of SWIEET, said:

“The primary role of the South Wales Institute of Engineers Educational Trust (SWIEET) is to promote engineering and I am pleased to say that we have been involved with The Smallpeice Trust for many years.

For example, this year we are delighted to offer fully funded places to young people attending a non-selective state school in Wales to attend a summer engineering course. These courses are offered by The Smallpeice Trust on a wide range of topics, for Years 8 – 12. We are keen to provide young people with opportunities in which they can develop their full potential to “ENGINEER TOMORROW.”