South Wales Institute of Engineers Educational Trust

Nature and Scope of SWIEET’s Activities

Nature and Scope of SWIEET’s Activities

Our educational mission has a broad scope, serving children, school pupils and their teachers, apprentices, university students and academics, practicing engineers and technologists, and citizens. Here some of our current objectives.

  • To encourage and help school pupils to gain understanding and appreciation of engineering, and of the rewards of a career in engineering.
  • To support learners on recognised engineering courses in Wales. Financial support may be for bursaries for study, to encourage engagement, reward endeavour, support projects and papers. and competitive prizes and awards.
  • To promote equal opportunities in engineering.
  • To promote research and education about the engineering, technological and scientific history and heritage of Wales
  • To organise events, such as our prestigious William Menelaus Annual Lecture and Menelaus Dinner, to promote sharing knowledge and community building for engineers and technologists.
  • To develop our portfolio of awards for achievements such as the Menelaus Medal we sponsor the Learned Society of Wales.
  • To participate in the engineering programmes and events in partnership with others, and to position the Trust as a focus for such programmes.
  • To maintain appropriate links with organisations active in engineering and technology in Wales, such as the various Welsh Government departments and agencies, the Royal Academy of Engineering, and professional Engineering Institutions.

The Trustees welcome new ideas for engineering-related good causes, which can be supported at their discretion.