The motto of the South Wales Institute of Engineers (and now SWIEET) has always impressed me, it is certainly inspirational and one, I feel, most apt in directing our objective to promote and assist young people in forging a career in engineering – it is to
There are three main areas in SWIEET’s agenda that underpin our attempt to fulfil this idea:
1. ‘Educational Engagement’ covering 5 to 19 age groups including STEM activities and excellence raising through university and related schemes.
2. ‘Enabling Employment’, an employer and employment focussed activity to enable employers to take on school-leavers and graduates primarily through schemes such as the Welsh Apprenticeship Alliance and ‘pilot’ funding for business start-ups.
And lastly one that aligns with a personal interest in engineering and science heritage and history of Wales:
3. ‘Promotion and Profile Raising’, including prestigious and specific lectures and a Welsh Engineering History programme.